Im having a problem with the Boiii client. I own the game fully on steam but had an older version of the Boiii client and recently went to a more recent version. I keep gettting an error when entering a map
I own the game fully on steam but had an older version of the Boiii client and recently went to a more recent version but I noticed that the way you downloads maps now is different since now that there is a workshop downloader and the maps don't want to download and when they there will be two different maps and both wont work and I've tried to appear online on Steams so i only get maps from the downloader but it still wont work. The Workshop Downloader has only worked once for me after redownloading it 6 times in which it didn't work again and didn't allow me to close out of the workshop downloader application in downloading a map but even when I try to enter the map which is the 'Family Guy Remake' it will start loading then kick me back to the lobby and prompting me with this message "
server script error type undefined is not an object, param 1
Terminal script error
Before using the downloader based on a video I watched it it said that you could appear offline on steam in order for the client to be able to access the workshop maps or mods but that didn't work some maps that do work are ones I downloaded with the old method of manually typing it in through SteamCMD and making a user maps folder within the Bo3 game files for the official version. Only some maps done through the older downloading method work for example the dome and rust map don't work but when I load the dunder mifflin map it does. Any idea what that message means and what can be done to fix this problem as I'm trying to play with my friend on zombies. Any solutions or help would be greatly appreciated
Here is a picture of the message