Error: Could not find weapon "sniper_chargeshot_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "sniper_chargeshot_upgraded_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "pistol_revolver38_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "pistol_standard_dw_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "pistol_burst_dw_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "pistol_fullauto_dw_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "pistol_m1911_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "pistol_m1911_upgraded_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "pistol_shotgun_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "pistol_shotgun_dw_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "pistol_shotgun_upgraded_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "pistol_shotgun_dw_upgraded_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "pistol_revolver38_upgraded_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "launcher_lockonly_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "launcher_lockonly_upgraded_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "knife_loadout_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "tesla_gun_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "tesla_gun_upgraded_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "skull_gun_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "skull_gun_upgraded_zm".
Not logging game server log.
Error: Could not find material "minimap_icon_mystery_box".
Error: Could not find material "zom_icon_community_pot".
Error: Could not find material "zom_icon_community_pot_strip".
Error: Could not find material "zom_icon_player_life".
Error: Could not find material "zombie_stopwatch".
Error: Could not find material "zombie_stopwatch_glass".
Error: Could not find material "zombie_stopwatchneedle".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/maps/zombie/fx_zmb_tanzit_upgrade".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/maps/zombie/fx_zmb_tranzit_electrap_explo".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/maps/zombie/fx_zombie_bar_break".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/maps/zombie/fx_zombie_bar_break_lite".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/maps/zombie/fx_zombie_tesla_neck_spurt".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/misc/fx_zombie_cola_jugg_on".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/misc/fx_zombie_cola_on".
Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_dog_eyes_zmb".
Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_dog_fire_trail_zmb".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/maps/zombie/fx_mp_zombie_body_snow_falling".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/maps/zombie/fx_mp_zombie_body_water_billowing".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/maps/zombie/fx_mp_zombie_hand_snow_burst".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/maps/zombie/fx_mp_zombie_hand_water_burst".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/maps/zombie/fx_zombie_body_wtr_falling".
Error: Could not find weapon "special_crossbow_zm".
Error: Could not find rumble "crossbow_fire".
Error: Could not find fx "impacts/fx_bul_impact_concrete_xtreme".
Error: Could not find fx "impacts/fx_bul_impact_default_xtreme".
Error: Could not find fx "impacts/fx_bul_impact_dirt_xtreme".
Error: Could not find fx "impacts/fx_bul_impact_glass_xtreme".
Error: Could not find fx "impacts/fx_bul_impact_metal_xtreme".
Error: Could not find fx "impacts/fx_bul_impact_snow_xtreme".
Error: Could not find fx "impacts/fx_bul_impact_water_xtreme".
Error: Could not find fx "weapon/fx_trail_crossbow".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/misc/fx_ui_flagbase_pmc".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/weapon/riotshield/fx_riotshield_depoly_dust".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/weapon/riotshield/fx_riotshield_depoly_lights".
Error: Could not find fx "killstreaks/fx_heli_chaff".
Error: Could not find fx "lensflares/fx_lensflare_sniper_glint".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_clone_reaper_appear".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_clone_reaper_orb".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_clone_vanish".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_flashback_trail_impact".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_rejack_light".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_revive".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_revive_demat".
Error: Could not find fx "vehicle/fx_quadtank_airburst".
Error: Could not find fx "vehicle/fx_quadtank_airburst_ground".
Error: Could not find fx "weapon/fx_betty_light_blue".
Error: Could not find fx "weapon/fx_betty_light_orng".
Error: Could not find fx "weapon/fx_hero_pineapple_trail_blue".
Error: Could not find fx "weapon/fx_hero_pineapple_trail_orng".
Error: Could not find fx "animals/fx_bio_direwolf_eyes".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_spores_cloud_ambient_lrg".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_spores_cloud_ambient_md".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_spores_cloud_ambient_sm".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_chest_mouth_drool_1p".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_eye_glow".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_eye_glow_rage".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_pustule_burst".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_pustule_impact".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_pustule_reinflate".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_pustule_spore_exp".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_rage_gas_leg_lft".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_rage_gas_leg_rgt".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_rage_gas_torso".
Error: Could not find fx "electric/fx_ability_elec_surge_short_robot".
Error: Could not find fx "electric/fx_elec_warlord_damage_1".
Error: Could not find fx "electric/fx_elec_warlord_damage_2".
Error: Could not find fx "electric/fx_elec_warlord_lower_damage_1".
Error: Could not find fx "electric/fx_elec_warlord_lower_damage_2".
Error: Could not find fx "explosions/fx_exp_robot_stage3_evb".
Error: Could not find fx "explosions/fx_exp_warlord_death".
Error: Could not find fx "light/fx_light_body_glow_warlord".
Error: Could not find fx "light/fx_light_eye_glow_warlord".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_loot_taunt_e_reaper_main_03".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_loot_taunt_outrider_talon_lights".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_ability_screen_blur_overdrive".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_flashback_trail".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_heat_wave_distortion_volume".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_heat_wave_distortion_volume_air".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_shock_field".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_shock_field_1p".
Error: Could not find fx "vehicle/fx_exhaust_jetpack_warlord_juke".
Error: Could not find fx "weapon/fx_hero_blackjack_beam_source".
Error: Could not find fx "weapon/fx_hero_blackjack_beam_target".
Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_val_chest_burst".
Error: Could not find tagfx "ability_hero_heat_wave_player_impact".
Error: Could not find tagfx "gadget_flashback_3p_off".
Error: Could not find weapon "zombie_weapon_octobomb_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "thompson_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "weapon_null_zm".
Error: Could not find material "specialty_ads_zombies".
Error: Could not find material "specialty_doubletap_zombies".
Error: Could not find material "specialty_extraprimaryweapon_zombies".
Error: Could not find material "specialty_fastreload_zombies".
Error: Could not find material "specialty_juggernaut_zombies".
Error: Could not find material "specialty_marathon_zombies".
Error: Could not find material "specialty_quickrevive_zombies".
Error: Could not find material "specialty_widows_wine_zombies".
Error: Could not find material "zom_icon_minigun".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/misc/fx_zombie_cola_revive_on".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_web_impact_player_melee".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_web_impact_spider_crawl".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc3/stalingrad/fx_fire_generic_zmb_green".
Error: Could not find fx "env/electrical/fx_elec_wire_spark_burst".
Error: Could not find fx "impacts/fx_flesh_hit".
Error: Could not find fx "misc/fx_zombie_bloodsplat".
Error: Could not find fx "misc/fx_zombie_bloodspurt".
Error: Could not find fx "trail/fx_trail_blood_streak".
Error: Could not find fx "ui/fx_uplink_ball_vanish".
Error: Could not find fx "weapon/bullet/fx_flesh_gib_fatal_01".
Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_portal_keeper_spawn_zod_zmb".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_demon_zombie_death_energy".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_ee_rocket_beam_src_a".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_rune_zombie_death_energy".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_storm_zombie_death_energy".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_wolf_zombie_death_energy".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_zombie_spawn_wallrun_castle".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_web_impact_rocket".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc3/stalingrad/fx_dragon_shield_fire_1p_up".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc3/stalingrad/fx_dragon_shield_fire_3p_up".
[DW]: [lobby]: missing service '58'
Error: Could not find fx "dlc4/genesis/fx_perk_doubletap_sta".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc4/genesis/fx_perk_juggernaut_sta".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc4/genesis/fx_perk_mule_kick_sta".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc4/genesis/fx_perk_quick_revive_sta".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc4/genesis/fx_perk_sleight_of_hand_sta".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc4/genesis/fx_perk_stamin_up_sta".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc4/genesis/fx_zombie_shadow_death".
Error: Could not find fx "electric/fx_elec_burst_lg_z270_os".
Error: Could not find fx "impacts/fx_flesh_hit_knife_lg_zmb".
Error: Could not find fx "lihgt_zombie_damage_fx".
Error: Could not find fx "misc/fx_zombie_eye_single".
Error: Could not find fx "portal_3p".
Error: Could not find fx "portal_shortcut_closed".
Error: Could not find fx "portal_shortcut_open".
Error: Could not find fx "shadow_zombie_damage_fx".
Error: Could not find fx "ui/fx_uplink_goal_marker".
Error: Could not find fx "ui/fx_uplink_goal_marker_flash".
Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_quest_portal_ambient_zod_zmb".
Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_quest_portal_close_igc_zod_zmb".
Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_quest_portal_closed_zod_zmb".
Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_quest_portal_edge_flash_zod_zmb".
Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_quest_portal_edge_zod_zmb".
Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_quest_portal_expand_zod_zmb".
Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_quest_portal_tear_zod_zmb".
Loading GSC script 'C:/Users/Carlos Lozano Barba/AppData/Local/boiii/data/scripts/mp/bots/_bot.gsc'
Loading GSC script 'C:/Users/Carlos Lozano Barba/AppData/Local/boiii/data/scripts/mp/bots/_bot_loadout.gsc'
Loading GSC script 'C:/Users/Carlos Lozano Barba/AppData/Local/boiii/data/scripts/mp/gametypes/_globallogic_player.gsc'
Loading GSC script 'C:/Users/Carlos Lozano Barba/AppData/Local/boiii/data/scripts/mp/gametypes/_serversettings.gsc'
Loading GSC script 'C:/Users/Carlos Lozano Barba/AppData/Local/boiii/data/scripts/mp/teams/_teams.gsc'
Error: Could not find weapon "gadget_resurrect_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "gadget_resurrect".
Error: Could not find weapon "dragon_gauntlet_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "dragon_gauntlet".
Error: Could not find weapon "proximity_grenade_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "proximity_grenade".
Error: Could not find weapon "syrette_zod_beast_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "smg_sten".
Error: Could not find weapon "smg_sten_upgraded".
Error: Could not find weapon "pistol_revolver38".
Error: Could not find weapon "pistol_revolver38_upgraded".
Error: Could not find weapon "pistol_shotgun".
Error: Could not find weapon "pistol_shotgun_upgraded".
Error: Could not find weapon "ar_garand".
Error: Could not find weapon "ar_garand_upgraded".
Error: Could not find weapon "launcher_lockon_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "launcher_lockon".
Error: Could not find weapon "launcher_lockonly".
Error: Could not find rawfile "gamedata/constbaselines/zm/bl_little_endian_zm_genesis_zclassic.bin".
execing gamedata/configs/zm/ragdoll.cfg from fastfile
Client: Registering configstring index 530 with data ZOMBIE_BUTTON_BUY_OPEN_DOOR_COST750
Client: Registering configstring index 531 with data ZOMBIE_BUTTON_BUY_OPEN_DOOR_COST1250
Client: Registering configstring index 532 with data ZOMBIE_BUTTON_BUY_OPEN_DOOR_COST1000
Client: Registering configstring index 533 with data ZOMBIE_NEED_LOCAL_POWER
Client: Registering configstring index 534 with data ZOMBIE_BUTTON_BUY_OPEN_DOOR_COST500
Client: Registering configstring index 535 with data ZOMBIE_BUTTON_BUY_CLEAR_DEBRIS_COST250
Client: Registering configstring index 536 with data ZOMBIE_BUTTON_BUY_CLEAR_DEBRIS_COST500
Client: Registering configstring index 537 with data ZOMBIE_BUTTON_BUY_CLEAR_DEBRIS_COST750
Client: Registering configstring index 3241 with data yô(©L
Client: Registering configstring index 530 with data ZOMBIE_BUTTON_BUY_OPEN_DOOR_COST750
Client: Registering configstring index 531 with data ZOMBIE_BUTTON_BUY_OPEN_DOOR_COST1250
Client: Registering configstring index 532 with data ZOMBIE_BUTTON_BUY_OPEN_DOOR_COST1000
Client: Registering configstring index 533 with data ZOMBIE_NEED_LOCAL_POWER
Client: Registering configstring index 534 with data ZOMBIE_BUTTON_BUY_OPEN_DOOR_COST500
Client: Registering configstring index 535 with data ZOMBIE_BUTTON_BUY_CLEAR_DEBRIS_COST250
Client: Registering configstring index 536 with data ZOMBIE_BUTTON_BUY_CLEAR_DEBRIS_COST500
Client: Registering configstring index 537 with data ZOMBIE_BUTTON_BUY_CLEAR_DEBRIS_COST750
Client: Registering configstring index 3241 with data yô(©L
Error: Could not find material "t7_hud_minimap_enemy_hunter".
Error: Could not find cgmediatable "cgmedia_zm_genesis".
Error: Could not find fx "weapon/fx_trail_rocket_multi_lob".
Error: Could not find rawfile "vision/".
Error: Could not find rawfile "gamedata/constbaselines/zm/bl_little_endian_zm_genesis_zclassic.bin".